2003-04 Season 2


by Melissa James Gibson
Directed by Kathleen Akerley

March 2004

In adjacent apartments, three neighbors push the limits of friendship as they use language both as an instrument of intimacy and a weapon of defense. Exploring these lonely lives through language that alternates between exhilarating structural inventiveness, loony comedy, and poignant self-analysis, Melissa James Gibson has created a play that is as witty and wise as it is stylistically groundbreaking and unexpected.


Woman  Chamblee Christian
Theo  Mike Glenn
Man  Jason Lott
Frank  Ian Lavalley
Babette  Suzen Lynskey
Airshaft Woman  Adrienne Nelson

Production Team

Director  Kathleen Akerley
Assistant Director  Bridget O’Leary
Stage Manager  Laura Smith
Producer  Jeremy Skidmore
Technical Director  Drew Harmon
Scenic Designer  Tom Donahue
Lighting Designer  John Burkland
Costume Designer  Kate Turner-Walker
Sound Designer  Jessie Terrill
Properties Designer  Suzen Manson
Sound Board Operator  Dierdre Bier


What They Say

“Director Kimberly Ackerly and designer Thomas F. Donahue create a setting in which the audience is situated between the three apartment rooms, making it almost impossible to watch the entire play without turning in one direction or another. It’s a compelling device, giving the production an interactive feel, as well as implicating the audience as much as the characters in Gibson’s modern dilemma.”

Metro Weekly

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