2005-06 Season 4

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

by Salman Rushdie
Directed by Kelly Parsley

March 2006

Set in a city so ruinously sad that it has forgotten its name, this is the magical tale of a master storyteller who loses his ability to tell stories once he discovers his wife has left him for another man. That is until his son sets out on a glorious adventure to find the fabled Sea of Stories, where many of his father’s outlandish tales turn out not only to be true but alive.


Mr. Butt/ Butt the Hoopoe  Carlos Bustamante
Soraya Khalifa/ Goopy/ Ambassador  Erica Chamblee
Unsmiling Man/ Mali/ Mudra’s Shadow/ Egghead  Jonathan Church
Blabbermouth  Mikal Evans
Iff  Maggie Glauber
General Kitab  Deb Gotesman
Mr. Sengupta/ Snooty Buttoo Soldier/ Khattamshud  Danny Ladmitault
Rashid Khalifa  Ian LeValley
Mudra/ The Walrus  Scott McCormick
Unsmiling Man/ Snooty Buttoo Soldier/ Prince Bolo  Alex Perez
Haroun Khalifa  Anu Yadav

Production Team

Director  Kelly Parsley
Assistant Director  Jennifer John
Stage Manager  Roy SA. Gross
Production Assistant  Lauren Perovich
Technical Director  Tim Getman
Scenic Designer  Matt Soule
Lighting Designer  Kathy Couch
Costume Desinger  Kate Turner-Walker
Assistant Costume Designer  Ryana Richardson
Sound Designer  Mark K. Anduss
Properties Designer  Suzen Mason
Master Electrician  Dustin Dunsomre
Scenic Painter  Megan Tooey


What They Say

“Combining movement and sign language with sound and lighting effects, director and choreographer Kelly Parsley melds the mythical and metaphysical aspects of the story with its sing-song poetics.”

Curtain Up

“Choreographed and directed by Kelly Parsley with supple lyrical language Haroun delivers a tall order of visually-rich movement by the hardest-working ensemble in town.”

Metro Weekly

“LeValley is absolutely superb as Rashid, and director Kelly Parsley paces the play nicely. The other kids at the show seemed as riveted as did Valeria. Although the play is unquestionably aimed at children, it has meat for adults as well.”

DC Theatre Scene

“With nods to Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum and even the Beatles — Rushdie attempts to reveal, at long last, who utters the words “I am the walrus” — “Haroun” casts a wide net. It seeks to tie together a lot of the stories in that sea.”

The Washington Post

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