2021-22 Season 19

A Chorus Within Her

A Devised Work by Gabrielle Brant Freeman, Glenis Redmond, Christine Sloan Stoddard, Carmin Wong, and the Ensemble

Directed by Alina Collins Maldonado
Choreographed by Tiffany Quinn

Oct. 30 - Nov. 14, 2021

The first live production of Theater Alliance’s 2021-2022 season, A Chorus Within Her uses the lens of women’s experience to interrogate and explore the experiences of the pandemic year. Poets, choreographers, and actors have spent months conducting Zoom interviews, issuing social media surveys, mining their own identities and experiences to create one unified, experiential evening of theater. Part ritual, part airing of difficult truths, and completely centered in authentic voices of women, A Chorus Within Her is a choreopoem that examines who we were before the pandemic . . . who we were as we survived the past year . . . and how we collectively move forward from here.


Production Team

Director Alina Collins Maldonado
 Tiffany Quinn
Scenic Design 
Jessica Cancino
Sound Design Sarah O’Halloran
Lighting Design Sarah Tundermann
Projections Design Nitsan Scharf
Costume Design Moyenda Kulemeka
Technical Director Jonathan Dahm Robrtson
Assistant Director Raven Lorraine
Stage Manager 
Genny Ceperley
Digital Producer Kelly Colburn
Developmental Producer Jen Clements
Developmental Choreographer Tiffany Quinn

Assistant Choreographer Siani Nicole
Master Electrician Katherine Darnell
Assistant Technical Director Dori Lichter
Sound Engineer Devon Swiger
Scenic Paint Charge Amy Kellett

Developmental poetry created by Gabrielle Brant FreemanGlenis RedmondChristine Sloan Stoddard, and Carmin Wong. Developmental choreography created by Siani Nicole, Unissa Cruse, and Tiffany Quinn. 

Special thanks to Toni Ford, Carla Thomas McGinnis, Alexis Willis, and Ruth Noack. Additional thanks to Jade Fitness

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