DO YOU FEEL ANGER: Call for Performers

Theater Alliance is requesting submissions for our upcoming production of Mara Nelson-Greenberg’s Do You Feel Anger?, directed by Kelly Colburn. Performers interested in this production should be fully vaccinated, non-Equity, and have local housing in the DC area. 


Sofia – Late 20s
Eva – Early 30s
Jon – Late 40s
Howie – Early 30s
Jordan – Late 20s
Sofia’s Mother – Late 50s
Janie – Any age
Old man – 130

Please create a submission containing the following and send via this form by Tuesday, Feb. 1:

  • Contemporary comedic monologue (from no earlier than the 2000, no longer than 2 minutes).
  •  Funny anecdote from your personal life (no longer than 2 minutes).
  • A recent picture & performance resume 
Send Materials: By competing this form
Feb 7th – 11th: Round one callbacks (digital).
Feb 14th – 18th: Round two callbacks (in person if possible).

First Rehearsal: April 5, 2022
First Preview: May 18, 2022
Opening: May 20, 2022
Closing: June 11, 2022


Sofia was recently hired as an empathy coach at a debt collection agency—and clearly, she has her work cut out for her. These employees can barely identify what an emotion is, much less practice deep, radical compassion for others. And while they painstakingly stumble towards enlightenment, someone keeps mugging Eva in the kitchen. An outrageous comedy about the absurdity—and the danger—of a world where some people’s feelings matter more than others’.

*We at Theater Alliance seek to make our submission process as accessible and inclusive as possible. If you have a headshot and resume to send us, that’s great. If you prefer to send a different type of media to represent your work, in lieu of a resume, we look forward to seeing it. We invite you to show us who you are as an artist, in whatever way you choose. And if you prefer to speak with someone on our staff about submitting your materials in a non-digital format, please reach out with a message to
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