Radical Neighboring: Theater for ALL

It’s no secret that going to live theatre can be expensive. With tickets for Broadway selling for hundreds of dollars, the average person is more than likely shut out. At Theater Alliance, we believe that theatre should be not only beautiful and thought-provoking, but accessible.

With our Radical Neighboring Initiative, Theater Alliance hopes to ensure open access to our work and engage patrons in a more comprehensive artistic experience.

The goals of Radical Neighboring are to:

  • Break down barriers that hinder potential patrons from attending live theater, which includes underwriting 10 tickets to each performance as Name Your Own Price at the door.
  • Expand outreach and marketing so that Radical Neighboring is known to the community.
  • Create authentic, long lasting relationships and partnerships with schools and like-minded organizations in Anacostia and Ward 8.
  • Create a forum for active dialogue with people of different backgrounds, Wards, and experience.

Radical Neighboring is not just a program for Theater Alliance; it is a philosophy, a vision of our theater and its role in the greater community. It informs every aspect of our company, from the work we choose to produce to the community we create within our audiences.

You can help underwrite Radical Neighboring, by donating here.

Together, we can ensure the performing arts are core to this community, and that we can only be a community when everyone is invited to participate.

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