‘Broke-ology’ Rehearsals Begin!

Today is the first day of rehearsals for ‘Broke-ology’, the first production of our Season Eleven! The scripts are printed, the Brita water filter is filled, and all that remains is for the actors to arrive…


We chatted with Candace L. Feldman, the director behind ‘Broke-ology’, about what to expect this August…

Q: What does Broke-ology bring to the Anacostia community?

‘Broke-ology’ is a huge opportunity for Theater Alliance to get involved in the Anacostia community. With this show, we want to bring the pie next door to our new neighbors so to speak – we want to say ‘Hi, we’re here and we’re cooking up something great’.

Bringing Theater Alliance East of the River really opens up the possibility for cross-community conversation. It’s important to realize that every neighborhood deserves good art, company, and neighbors. Art has a common language – and Theater Alliance’s recent relocation gives the opportunity to a new neighborhood to become versed in it.

Q: Why is ‘Broke-ology’ uniquely suited to DC?

DC is prime Nathan Louis Jackson territory. Kansas City, the setting for ‘Broke-ology’, has a similar urban yet hometown feel to DC. ‘Broke-ology’ is really a trip back home and we think it will be well received and enjoyable to all.

‘Broke-ology’ also deals with relevant social and political issues. Although relevant when the show was written, the issues are even more so today. This show takes the image and identity of a black man in America – and throws it on stage. We meet a family with an appreciation for family values and that works hard to do right for and by each other. This positive affirmation is something that we don’t see or get nearly enough.


‘Broke-ology’ is the inaugural production at the brand-spankin’ new Anacostia Playhouse. We have recently moved our base of operations to this fancy new Playhouse, although we will continue to produce across DC.  This move makes us the ONLY professional theater company in DC to be located in either Ward 7 or 8 – out of over eighty! (We know – we didn’t know there was that many theater companies in DC either….)

‘Broke-ology’ stays true to its local DC roots. Two of the cast members, William King (G. Alverez Reid) and Malcolm King (Marlon Russ), are Howard Alums. Costume Designer (Reggie Ray) is also currently an Artist-in-Residence and Costume Design Professor at Howard University. We’re absolutely thrilled to have local talent bursting through our seams.

Until next time….

The Theater Alliance Team

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