The Real Superheroes in YOUR Life
- Theater Alliance
- August 29, 2012
- News
- featured
We at Theater Alliance recently requested stories of the ‘real-life superheroes’ from our audience for the chance to win free tickets to Reals. Whether it be a loved one, friend, or favorite barista, we wanted to hear about the people who help make your life a little more….super!
We are delighted to share the submissions by Leah Daniels and Harriette Wimms, both of whom have won two tickets to Reals. Big congrats (and a bigger thank you!) to both of them for sharing these superhero stories with us!
Leah Daniels, owner of Hill’s Kitchen, filled us in on the heroics of retired Capitol Hill lawyer Gary Peterson. In 2007, Peterson witnessed a police chase cross through his back yard. In an attempt to escape, the suspect, a teenager connected with several local robberies, darted into the Peterson’s kitchen. Without thinking, Gary Peterson grabbed a copper frying pan and whacked the criminal on the head. The night ended with the suspect’s arrest in the Peterson’s home. The copper frying pan is now holds a place of honor in Hill’s Kitchen; look for it next time you visit!
Harriette Wimms movingly described her personal heroes in her own words: “I have three: 1) My dad, who was 60 when I was born. He met my mom, a young widow with 5 kids, asked her to let him help her raise the children…and then poof! I arrived. He filled my life with love, wonder, kindness, and adoration. 2) My son…who I believe looked down from heaven and said, ‘Yep, even though they’re a mess, I pick those folks as my parents.’ I am so grateful to be his mother, and I am guided by his insight and grace. 3) The kids at The Mount, who face painful rehabilitation and extended hospital stays and yet still retain the joy and wonder of childhood.”
-Harriette Wimms
If you would like to submit a story of a real-life superhero, email Theater Alliance Managing Director Lee Daugherty at

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